Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dress up dogs or not

Dress up a dog or not:

Would you dress your dog up if you could? I wouldn't because my dog would tear it up. Lol. Tell me what you would do in the comments.



If you have any questions or want me to post something about dogs that you chose you can go to the comments on this blog or write it on my guestbook at Stardoll wich by the way I'm shaylee9682 and you can also email me at

Thx for reading

Husky Shepard V.S. Yorkie

Husky Shepard V.S. Yorkie 

I like the Husky Shepard more than the Yorkie. Tell me what you think in the comments. :) Shaylee9682 

Favorite kind of dog

What is you favorite kind of Dog:

My favorite kind of dog is a Husky Shepard . Tell me what your favorite kind of dog is in the Comments. Thx 

Shaylee9682 ( Maya) 


Welcome to: Dog Lovers Unite

I hope you have a wonderful time here. This is for people who have dogs and love them or people that want dogs and love them. We have a few simple rules:

1. No Spam 
2. No bad language 
3. Don't be mean

Well thats it for right now. If you have questions there are three ways to contact me: Email: This blog, Stardoll: Shaylee9682 

Thx and have a good time.